No one runs in my family. I am not built like a runner. My bones aren’t hollow. My legs aren’t gazelle-like. As a child, no one ever said, “Now that one… she’s going to be a runner.” I am not a marathon runner. But, I know that no one is a marathon runner until they actually run one.

-Nike Women's Running

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 12

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 2 miles

Wednesday: speed/bootcamp

Thursday: Cross Train

Friday: 5 miles

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Smuttynose 1/2 Marathon

Week 11 Recap

So, I am feeling really great this week, we had a 10 mile run on Wednesday, that despite the humidity and blackout darkness, was really kind of fun. Then, the run I dreaded all week, the 18 miler went SO well. Besides a little knee pain that came and went, I felt strong and ready. I still can't believe I finished 18 miles and felt so good, I hope this is a good sign of runs to come. The countdown is really on....33 more day! GULP!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 11

I really can't believe we are already into week 11...Here is the training for this week

September 20-September 26

Monday: Yoga

Tuesday: 4 miles

Wednesday: 9 miles

Thursday: 4 miles

Friday: Cross Train

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 17 miles

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 10

So, because of my class, I didn't get to do the long run this week, so it was scheduled on Monday with one of my running friends. Unfortunately, we got almost 5 miles into the run and it started thundering and raining large hail, so we luckily had another running friend who drove our course to save us!!

September 13-September 19

Monday: 15 miles (only 5

Tuesday: 3 miles

Wednesday: 8 miles

Thursday: 3 miles

Friday: Cross Train

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 16 miles

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 9

So, my class starts this Saturday which means my long runs will now be on Sunday or Monday depending on the week. I will be moving my cross training to Friday's now, so my rest day will be Saturday in prep for my long runs on Sunday/Monday.

September 6-September 12

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 3 miles

Wednesday: 7 miles

Thursday: 3 miles

Friday: Cross Train

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 15 miles

Week 8 recap

So, week 8 went a little differently than planned due to me being on vacation in Arizona. My week looked like this:

August 30-September 5

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 2 miles

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 7-8 mile hike in Grand Canyon

Friday: 2 hour walk around Phoenix Zoo

Saturday: rest

Sunday: 14 mile run

Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 8

August 30-September 5

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 2 miles

Wednesday: 6 miles

Thursday: 2 miles

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 13 miles

Sunday: Cross train